Oscar de la Renta品牌公关副总裁Erika Bearman离任女装
Erika Bearman
前不久DKNY PR Girl离开DKNY,DKNY删除其社交消息准备重新开始公关布局,近日又传出消息称,长期担任Oscar de la Renta品牌公关兼全球媒体副总裁的Erika Bearman将卸任,仅担任品牌顾问。
根据国外时尚媒体WWD报道,Erika Bearman还将继续为品牌服务,ErikaBearman于2008年加入Oscar de la Renta品牌,据了解,Erika Bearman在几个月前曾跟品牌CEO Alex Bolen提及希望能够在策略性问题上担任顾问,并且卸下日常运营监管的职责。Alex表示他正在积极寻找Erika Bearman的接任人选,“‘我们不会找到一个新的Erika,'我跟同事们这样说,Erika组建了一支非常棒的队伍,@OscarPRGirl 的账号还将由这支团队负责。”
Erika在Instagram账号上面也发布了这则离任消息,原文如下:"after 7 incredible years at Oscar, I have resigned as head of communications. while I am signing off as oscarprgirl, I am staying on as a consultant to the company, and will continue to be involved in its leadership. when I started this account, my only goal was to highlight the beauty of the brand and its joyful spirit. that's the greatest assignment you could ask for," she wrote. "oscarprgirl will continue!"